Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Referenced "The Matrix" Twice. 2 Times.

Oh hello again.  It's true, the other night I did reference the Matrix twice.  That aside, let's get down to business.

Hate: Harry Potter haters.  How can you hate the Harry Potter series?  That is preposterous.  It is THE best.  I have reread the series so many times and every time I finish the 7th book it's just as depressing that there are no more to read/that I am not a witch/that Harry Potter isn't my best friend or husband, so I just start reading again.  I just don't get how someone isn't as entranced as I am...Whyy do you not want to go to Hogwarts???  Why don't you want to believe in magic?  What is fundamentally wrong with you?  You are an idiot.  When I go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios I am going to nerd out like you would not believe.  I want to stay there forever and live in a sick fantasy.  And yes I realize what I'm saying, and yes, I still think you are the one that has some sad personality defect that makes you feel differently.

Oh yea, I'm cool.  And I know it.  You all know you secretly feel the same way as I do.  And if you don't, well you now know how I feel about you.

Ugh, loving is hard.  I never have time and I don't get as heated.  Another quickiee...

Love: Target.  Ahhhhhh, I love it.  It has everything I need and tons of stuff I don't need but will purchase anyway.  Everything is so super.  It never let's me down.  Unlike you.



  1. I love target too, but i hate that they gave money to a group that fights against gay marriage. Oh Target, don't know that half of your fabulous designers are gay?

  2. i like this post because i am cho chang
