Saturday, November 19, 2011

Say What You're Thinking Right Now

Hate: People who comment on a changed facebook relationship status.  It is always SO AWKWARD.  I think the worst is when someone's status changes to single and people are all "OMG, what happened??!!" or "omg are you ok??"  Notice how it always begins with "OMG."  Number one, just fucking leave them alone, number two HOW can you not realize how awkward??  I physically cringe upon reading such a comment.  If for some insane reason I ever changed my facebook status and someone who was friends with me on facebook commented or liked or what have I would juuuust kill them.  Then unfriend them.  Then probably bash them via my facebook account.

Love: Leapin' Lemurs.  Delicious gluten free cereal.  What's not to love?  Chocolate and peanut butter flavors, helpin' out some lemurs, no gluten, it's the perfect cereal.  I'm currently eating Gorilla Munch and it's leaving a serious void in my life that can only be remedied with teriyaki.

Okkkk, love you, byee
