Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let's Dance to Joy Division

Man, it's been a MINUTE. Oops!  well all your yelling has finally paid off

Hate: Rewinding videotapes.  I know, I know, who uses vhs anymore...I DO.  I have videos from a while ago, they still work.  What am I going to do, buy the dvds just because they came out??  F that noise.  Got me a dvd/vhs playaa.  Not to mention tapes are only 50 cents at Goodwill.  ANYWAY, back to my point.  It is probably one of the most frustrating things in the universe to rewind a tape.  It takes FOR FUCKING EVER.  I mean seriously, I feel like a 6 year old when I repeatedly hit play to check if it's almost done like 12 times, but god damn it takes the longest!!  I don't blame little kids.  And even though I hate technology, the like 5 minutes that I have to wait to rewind a movie (that I obviously didn't rewind after the last time I watched) is almost reason enough for me to forego the 50 cent deal at Goodwil, risk getting caught for pirating, or spending the dumb amount of money on dvds.  Almost.  One day maybe I'll crack while rewinding Clueless and destroy all my tapes, but it hasn't happened yet.

Love: THE SUN.  Fuck you Seattle.  I miss the sun so. much.  So freaking much.
