Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Say What You Mean

So my last hate reminded me of a huge hate that I have.  In fact a kind of mentioned it, but here's a proper hatred...

Hate:  When people are obsessed with HD shit and blue ray and whatever the fuck.  I don't know if there is literally something wrong with my eyesight, but there is not a big enough difference between all that garbage and the original stuff to justify spending that extra money.  The price of a blue ray dvds is NUTS.  I don't even know what blue ray is.  And I mean really, I would NEVER be able to tell the difference between a video in HD and one that isn't if shown one after the other.  I doubt a lot of people could.  You're all just so obsessed with every stupid new little piece of technology that comes out that you need to have it even if it is totally unnecessary.  I feel like half of this stuff is like placebo crap.  They just tell you it's better quality and people are like OH HELL YEA, even though if they had to decipher the difference on their own they would never be able to.  Jesus it's annoying.  If I ever become a doctor I feel like I'm going to give tons of placebos out to people like this just because they fucking annoy me, like "I'm going to prescribe you these pills, they taste kind of like tic tacs, that's normal."  As previously stated, I would perfectly happy with a vhs, if they still made movies in vhs anymore.  Well I mean my particular vhs player may be an exception because you have to get them out with a knife...but with a working vhs player I think I would be completely satisfied.  

Love:  Pandora.  It's amazing.  I very often need specific music for my mood and it's perfect.  Right now I'm a little tired, want to relax, so I just put in Copeland and BAM, perfect radio.
